On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 04:46:32PM -0500, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

> > OK, she said we need Tomcat because of PAC scripts to do the proxy auto
> > configurations.
> I've never heard of PAC scripts in conjunction with Tomcat.

http://www.google.com/search?q=tomcat+pac+script reveal that the 

> To repeat: Tomcat has zero, no, nada proxy capability.  httpd can be used as 
> a proxy, but it's still not really clear what your goals are here.

Here is the scenario from her based on Tomcat:
1. Install the latest binaries of TomCat(6.0.18)  
http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi and use the generic setup(we 
don't need a lot of optimizations).
2. Setup Tomcat's proxy server and make sure it works on a client(needs 
to be physically different machine than server). 
3. Surf on the client machine with the configured Internet Explorer (IE) 
to use Tomcat's proxy server and see if the websites show up via Tomcat.
4. Create a proxy auto-config (PAC) file and set it up so that it sends 
a proxy configuration from the tomcat server to your client machine. 
5. Now make 2 auto config scripts.  
6. Where it sets the generic proxy config on the client to point to the 
7. Where it sets the more complicated setup to the client.

Are we confused or am I misunderstanding the requirements and goals? 
Again, I am new at this Web server administration and proxy stuff. I 
hope this makes it clearer for you guys (you guys are fast and awesome).
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