Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:
... (indicates I cut part of the previous message)

If I type in http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps or http://adm138/InfoViewApps on the server, the application comes up. Before when I had it directed to port 8080, from a user's workstation I could get the application to come up using the http://adm138:8080/InfoViewApps URL, after I changed it to port 80, I could not get the http://adm138/InfoViewApps URL to work from the user's workstation, it only worked from the server. Is that a better explanation?

Unfortunately no, because :
As you explain it above, *from a browser running on the server itself*, the application responds, whether you add the ":8080" or not. (And, as per earlier explanations, not indicating a port is equivalent to adding ":80", because that is the /default/ port.)

That would mean that your Tomcat server is "listening" on /both/ ports 80 and 8080.

However, previously you mentioned that you had /changed/ port 80 to port 8080 (or vice-versa) in the server configuration.
So it should be listening on either 80 OR 8080, but not both.
But according to what you say above, it responds to both.
That is what does not appear to make sense.

Now, a reason why it may work differently with a browser opened on the server itself, and a browser opened on a workstation : - for the browser opened on the server itself, there is nothing "in-between" that could block the communication between the browser and the server, since they are both on the same computer. - for a browser running on another workstation, the /may/ be something in-between the workstation and the server, which blocks communications either on port 80 OR on port 8080 OR on both OR on none.

That "something in-between" may be a router, a firewall, whatever.

So, do /exactly/ the following steps, and report the result for each step :

A) on the server itself :

   - close the browser and re-open it.
   - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
      Ask someone around you where that is for this kind of browser.
   - do it (clear the cache, everything)
   - request the URL :

   - indicate the result here :

B) still on the server itself :

   - close the browser and re-open it.
   - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
   - do it (clear the cache)
   - request the URL :

   - indicate the result here :

C) on another workstation :

   - close the browser and re-open it.
   - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
   - do it (clear the cache)
   - request the URL :

   - indicate the result here :

D) on that same workstation :

   - close the browser and re-open it.
   - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
   - do it (clear the cache)
   - request the URL :

   - indicate the result here :

It is very important that you do exactly as indicated above, following all the steps.

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