Of course, now that you have used "A:" for your answers, I can no longer do the same. So I'll use "B:"..

Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU wrote:

A) on the server itself :

    - close the browser and re-open it.
    - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
       Ask someone around you where that is for this kind of browser.
    - do it (clear the cache, everything)
    - request the URL :

    - indicate the result here :

A: This is with having the port changed to 80 for all of these answers. I get redirected to the http://adm138/InfoViewApp/logon.jsp which is the logon page for the application.

B: Excellent. That is the normal behaviour, if the <Connector> in server.xml is set for port="80".

B) still on the server itself :

    - close the browser and re-open it.
    - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
    - do it (clear the cache)
    - request the URL :

    - indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

B: Excellent also, now it makes sense.

C) on another workstation :

    - close the browser and re-open it.
    - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
    - do it (clear the cache)
    - request the URL :

    - indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

B: This is /not/ normal.
It means either :
- that something in-between is blocking the accesses to your server through port 80
- that this workstation cannot find the server named "adm138".

D) on that same workstation :

    - close the browser and re-open it.
    - in the browser, find the place where you can "clear the cache".
    - do it (clear the cache)
    - request the URL :

    - indicate the result here :

A:  Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

B: That is normal. The server is not listening on the port 8080.so browsers, from anywhere, should not be able to contact it on that port.

Ok, another test :
Re-do all the same steps as above, but this time using the other server name (alias).
In other words, if above there was
http://adm138 (followed by whatever)
then use
http://www.fmdreports.vcu.edu (followed by the same whatever)
and report the results here, as A1,B1,C1 and D1.

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