
at this point :

1) I (nor anyone here) can really help you if the workstations, for some reason, cannot connect to that server using port 80. That is a matter for your local network people, and you must solve it with them.

2) if, as according to one of preceding posts, it is finally likely that other people/applications will want to use this same physical server, and if they would also like their own other application to be the default application, then you /will/ have to use "virtual hosts".

Each separate virtual host can have its own "webapps" directory, and so also its own "default application" (known as "ROOT application in Tomcat). Each such virtual host would also need to have a different hostname, so they could not use the same name ""; to access *their* application as the default.
They would need for instance some other name like

The easiest way to show you how that works, would be for you to send me the complete server.xml file, as it is now, to my private email address (it will probably be too large for the list).
I will modify it, and send it back to you.

But better to make sure first that the workstations can at least connect to your application as it is now, using either port 80 or port 8080, and using the URL : or :8080)/InfoViewApp

Then we will change server.xml so that they can access the application as just or :8080)/

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