The answer is: yes, there are times when the response is already
committed, so the valve is not a foolproof solution.


Mitch Claborn wrote:
> I was able to get the cookie permanent with a simple valve, code below.
> Question:  the new cookie will be ignored if the response has already
> been "committed" (isCommitted()).  In my brief testing, the new cookie
> is being set, so the response must not be committed.  Is it possible
> that there might be times when the response IS committed when my valve
> is invoked, causing the new cookie to be ignored?
>   public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws
> IOException, ServletException {
>     getNext().invoke(request, response);
>     for (Cookie c : response.getCookies()) {
>       if (Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME.equals(c.getName())) {
>         Cookie l_new = (Cookie) c.clone();
>         l_new.setMaxAge(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
>         response.addCookie(l_new);
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Mitch Claborn
> 972-954-7341
> Len Popp wrote:
>> It comes up all the time. The solution is typically to use a separate
>> cookie and *not* tie the persistent data to the browser session, since
>> the browser session is transient.
>> --
>> Len
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 14:54, Mitch Claborn <> wrote:
>>> If I can't find a another way that's what I'll have to do.  I would be
>>> surprised that this need doesn't come up more frequently.
>>> Mitch
>>> David Smith wrote:
>>>> Your best bet is to assign your own cookie.  Then on new session
>>>> creation, look for the cookie and repopulate the new session with
>>>> shopping cart data.
>>>> --David
>>>> Mitch Claborn wrote:
>>>>> My usage is:  I store the key to the user's shopping cart in the
>>>>> session.  I'd like the user to be able to come back a few days from now
>>>>> and still find the items they have placed in their shopping cart.  (This
>>>>> is mostly for anonymous users who don't sign in until checkout.)
>>>>> Mitch
>>>>> Martin Gainty wrote:
>>>>>> anyone know if there is a use-case for sessionId surviving 
>>>>>> end-of-session?
>>>>>> Martin Gainty
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>>>>>>> Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 12:43:11 -0500
>>>>>>> From:
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> Subject: JSESSIONID cookie permanent?
>>>>>>> Is there a way to make the JSESSIONID cookie issued by Tomcat permanent,
>>>>>>> or at least significantly longer life than "end of session" ?
>>>>>>> Mitch
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