The session data is stored on the server, so if the JSESSIONID lasted longer than the session on the server, it would simply map to an expired session. What would happen in this case is the server would have no session mapping
to that ID and simply allocate a new session, with a new JSESSIONID.

There are two ways to store your cart:

  - regular browse cookie, being sure to respect maximum storage
  - store it on the server

The last appraoch is the only way to ensure the user will have access
to the cart from another machine, though this will require a user account.

The regular browser cookie will allow you short term storage, but has
limited storage space and is only accessible from the computer the user
last visited yoru site with.


On 12-Aug-2009, at 14:52, Mitch Claborn wrote:

I don't have any problem with the session contents (on the tomcat
server).  I'm in a tomcat cluster and the sessions are replicated
between members of the cluster.  As long as at least one member of the
cluster is running, then the sessions survive.  I don't mind if the
sessions on the server expire after a number of days. I'm just wanting
the user to be able to keep his sessionid across browser sessions.


Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Mitch Claborn<> wrote:

My usage is:  I store the key to the user's shopping cart in the

If I understand you correctly, then you would need to serialize the
session when it ended, to be able to resurrect it and retrieve that
key, or have never-expiring sessions (probably *not* a good idea).

I'd like the user to be able to come back a few days from now
and still find the items they have placed in their shopping cart. (This
is mostly for anonymous users who don't sign in until checkout.)

Why can't you just save the cart key in a persistent cookie?

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