Thanks  André Warnier

>> well the window from which catalina start command has been fired comes
>> to command
>> prompt after showing four lines but it opens another window which shows
>> startup log remains open and if I close that Tomcat terminates.
> In the same window where you entered "startup.bat" to start Tomcat, enter
> "shutdown.bat" to terminate the Tomcat running in the other window.
it seems that when startup.bat or catalina run/start is run a separate
window or same window remains open, and its a normal behavior.
I have already tried catalina stop in window where catalina start
was fired and it closes the window showing startup log after
showing closing log.

> Alternatively, entering CTRL-C in the command window where Tomcat itself  is
> running, also shuts down that Tomcat cleanly.
> Simply closing the window where Tomcat is running, may not do a clean
> shutdown.
yes I tried ^c also in window showing log it closes after showing
closing log. Thanks for tip about closing the log window.
> Yet another way to shut down Tomcat :
> - have a look at the file (tomcat_install_dir)/conf/server.xml
> - there is a tag in it like this :
> <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
> It means that if you open a TCP connection to localhost, port 8005, and send
> the string "SHUTDOWN" on that connection, Tomcat will shut down.
> You can change the port and the string to what you prefer, like
> <Server port="8999" shutdown="stopnow">
> As a security, Tomcat will only accept a connection on that shutdown port,
> if it originates from localhost (the same machine).

thanks you for this golden information I will keep in this mind and
try this also. After couple of weeks struggling with Tomcat on
Linux and Windows, Today I have got lot of knowledge about Tomcat
basics by very kind ppl. Thanks a lot for that. You have made my day.
i have got eclipse working on Linux and windows. Now I will try with
some spring examples from the book.

Thanks and best regards


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