On Jan 10, 2010, at 1:53 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Patrick Flaherty [mailto:pflah...@rampageinc.com]
Subject: Re: Tomcat Filter Mapping Issue

I don't touch that app, I leave it alone and it remains the
machine's ROOT APP.

No, it is that particular <Host>'s ROOT app; not the machine's. Every <Host> must have a ROOT app, and most likely not the ROOT app that ships with Tomcat's localhost <Host>.

If running three apps on one host , how do you get to those apps.

If by "host", you mean a <Host> entry in server.xml, the apps will have different names under the appBase directory of that <Host>. One should be named ROOT, the others can be whatever you want your users to refer to them as.

Example one is a Single Host domain name called www.myapp.com.

To get to app1, I would type http://www.myapp.com/app1
To get to app2, I would type http://www.myapp.com/app2
To get to app3, I would type http://www.myapp.com/app3

Correct. You also need a ROOT app to handle URIs for www.myapp.com that don't reference app1, app2, or app3.

I don't like to have our customers having to add /app1 or /app2  or
/app3 to the end of SINGLE URL (domain name) to get to a particular app.

Don't confuse URL with domain name; the domain name is only a part of a URL. The users are going to need to differentiate the apps by some means, and the part after the domain name is as good as any.

But I'm pretty sure this is VALID and SHOULD work but the additional
leg appended to the URL to get to a particular app is awful to me.

How do you suggest the users specify which app they want to access? Your misgivings are unfounded.

Host name = "www.myapp1.com"   appbase = "c:/app1"
Host name = "www.myapp2.com"   appbase = "c:/app2"
Host name = "www.myapp3.com"   appbase = "c:/app3"

O.k. so far, but it does give the (sometimes desirable) impression that there are three different servers.

The content of each appBase folder is all of our app files.

That's where you're not getting it. The app files must go under C:/ appx/ROOT, not directly under the appBase.

These folders (c:/app1, c:/app2, c:/app3) behave like the web
root of each of the domain names (www.myapp1.com, www.myapp2.com,
www.myapp3.com) accordingly.

Wrong. The appBase is just the location of *all* webapps for the <Host>. The default webapp for the <Host> MUST be placed in a directory named ROOT (case sensitive) UNDER the appBase directory. Other webapps for the <Host> - if any - go into other directories under that <Host>'s appBase.

Ahh !!!! That makes sense Finally ! The appBase is just a location for ALL webapps for a given <Host>. Therefore every <Host> MUST have at least a ROOT app which MAY be the only app for that <Host>. GOT IT ! One final question on your final statement. If I have 3 apps for a given <Host> then off my appBase I would have :

/ROOT  (a must default for each <Host>)

To access these apps, the URL's for the apps would be :

http://www.my-three-apps.com  (This for the ROOT app)
http://www.my-three-apps.com/app2  (This for the /app2 app)
http://www.my-three-apps.com/app3  (This for the /app3 app)

If this is correct I finally got it.

Thanks Hassan for the link, my books are outdated and are being tossed.

Thank you Chuck, I hope my last reply is correct. (We were not deployed this way for years yet it did worked, which is what I got caught up on.

Thanks to all again.


If this is NOT valid please give an example of deploying three app
from one machine.

We already did, several times, as does the doc page Hassan pointed to.

By the way this configuration is where FIlter Mapping was NOT working.

Completely understandable, since it's an invalid configuration.

I did change my FILTER MAPPING PATTERN in my web.xml to be
/ROOT/Proofs/* and then I started to get my FILTER MAPPING HITS.

No, the webapp name (ROOT in this case) must not be part of the filter mapping.

Actually now I have found that I can leave my app in c:/app1 and just
make the changes noted above (add ROOT/Proofs to my appBase path and
change my FILTER MAPPING PATTERN in my web.xml to be /ROOT/Proofs/*
and then I started to get my FILTER MAPPING HITS.)

More dumb luck, depending on the behavior of this particular version of Tomcat when presented with a broken, invalid configuration. Just do it the right way.

There is something magic about adding the folder ROOT and having it
end up in the URL's being passed back and forth for ME to start

It's not magic, it's defined behavior; ROOT is the default webapp for the <Host>.

Do you still have the same thought after what I covered above ?

Yes, you're still refusing to do things in the proper, documented way.

 - Chuck

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