Pid said on 30.6.2010 13:06:
On 30/06/2010 11:59, Tomislav Petrović wrote:
        <Context path="/some_webapp" docBase="/some_webapp" debug="0" reloadable="true" 
        <ResourceLink global="jdbc/SomeDB" name="jdbc/SomeDB" 
type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
        <ResourceLink global="jdbc/SomeDB2" name="jdbc/SomeDB2" 
type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

If these are the actual values then it's a miracle it's working at all.

Only app name/paths and jdbs names have been changed to dummy values.

Instead of defining it there, remove the debug, path and docBase
attributes and put it in


Tomcat will work out the rest automatically.

Sorry for newbie question.
Can you post me how my new server.xml should look and how some_webapp/META-INF/context.xml should look.

Also would apprecite link to right documentation why it should be that way, thanks.

And do you really think this would solve my initial problem, or....?

Tomy <>

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