Caldarale, Charles R said on 30.6.2010 15:03:
From: Tomislav Petrović []
Subject: Re: Webapp reloading issue and intermittent 404 errors

Can you post me how my new server.xml should look and how
some_webapp/META-INF/context.xml should look.

Just remove all<Context>  elements from server.xml - it's bad practice to have 
them there, since it violates the principle of self-contained webapps, and making any 
changes require restarting Tomcat, not just the webapp.

<Context reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
   <ResourceLink global="jdbc/SomeDB" name="jdbc/SomeDB" 
type="javax.sql.DataSource" />
   <ResourceLink global="jdbc/SomeDB2" name="jdbc/SomeDB2" 
type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

Also would apprecite link to right documentation why it
should be that way, thanks.

And do you really think this would solve my initial problem, or....?


Thanks for info, but any idea what caused original problem? And if I can provide any additional info to help resolve it. Unfortunately can't test it anymore since server where it happened (doesn't anymore with reloadable="false") is going into production.

Tomy <>

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