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On 3/10/2011 9:33 AM, Robinson, Eric wrote:
>>>> They are deleted as part of the autoDeploy process when Tomcat 
>>>> detects that the associated directory or WAR file is deleted. Turn 
>>>> off autoDeploy or stop deleting your WARs/directories.
>>> Why would rebooting cause this? I'm not aware of anything 
>> that we are 
>>> deleting.
>> You tell us. It is your system. We know nothing about it. A 
>> wild guess would be that you are using some form of 
>> shared/distributed/network file system and that is being shut 
>> down before the Tomcat service.
>> Mark
> The only filesystem involved is the local ext3 one that tomcat lives on.
> I can stop and start tomcat as many times as I want and everything is
> fine. But when I reboot the server, the next time tomcat comes up the
> XML files get deleted. This only happens to the 70 or so instrances of
> tomcat6 running on two separate RHEL 5.3 servers. It does not happens on
> the 200 instances of tomcat5 running on our other RHEL servers.

Does your system do anything weird with the clock on bootup? I'm
wondering if Tomcat is being tricked into thinking that the webapp needs
to be undeployed because timestamps are messed up.

Hmm... that shouldn't cause an undeploy, though... just a redeploy.

Do you have Tomcat rigged to start on boot? If so, how do you do that?
Tomcat does not come with any scripts to do that sort of thing, so you
must have your own.

How do you know that Tomcat is deleting the files? Could it be some
other process?

- -chris
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