On 21/03/2011 22:06, SQ wrote:
> Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 18/03/2011 21:05, SQ wrote:
>>> Environment:
>>> Solaris 10
>>> Apache 2.2.16
>>> mod_jk 1.2.31
>>> Tomcat 5.5.30
>>> JVM 1.6.0_14
>>> Which AJP connector are you using? Is APR/native being used?
>> AJP13.

That doesn't answer my question. There are multiple AJP connectors and
they all implement the AJP1.3 protocol. Exactly which one are you using?

>  No, I don't see APR being loaded at startup.

OK. For confirmation and the detailed connector info I'd like to see the
startup log messages for the connectors.

>>> There is this https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=47714
>>> which is tracking various reports of various quality of a similar issue.
>>> There are some suggestions about possible work-arounds there too.
>> Yes, I did see this bug listing, but there didn't seem to be a definite
>> result.  A couple people mentioned DisableReuse, which we can try, but
>> according to the docs, there is a performance hit.  Also, without being
>> able to replicate the issue, its hard to determine if that would help.

There are varied views on how seriously to take that warning.
Personally, I tend to ignore it in 99.9% of cases. disableReuse makes
configuration a lot simpler and rarely impacts performance. YMMV so test
it before using it in production.

>>> One of the JSP that got wrong responses in testing contained nothing but
>>> html - it doesn't look like code in the JSPs themselves are causing this.
>>> That is a useful indicator. Assuming no filters etc. are in the mix then
>>> that tends to rule out the app.

Some confirmation that this is the case would be helpful here.


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