On 22/03/2011 16:54, SQ wrote:
> I too didn't realize there was a difference in connectors.  Thanks for the
> clarification.
> Here is the startup info on the connector:
> [Loaded org.apache.catalina.connector.Response from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server
> /lib/catalina.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.core.JkHandler from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomca
> t-ajp.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/l
> ib/tomcat-ajp.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.core.Msg from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomcat-ajp.
> jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.coyote.ActionHook from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomca
> t-coyote.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.core.MsgContext from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomc
> at-ajp.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.server.JkMain from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomcat
> -ajp.jar]
> [Loaded org.apache.jk.core.WorkerEnv from
> file:/usr/local/apache-tomcat-5.5.30/server/lib/tomca
> t-ajp.jar]
> Please let me know if this is what you were looking for.  Sorry for the
> confusion.

Yep that is it. You are using the old BIO AJP connector based on the
classes you are loading. Hmm. Not what I was expecting. It might be
worth taking a look at this bug:

The problem is that we need a test case to investigate this but the
issue is hard to reproduce. Since you have a test environment where you
can repeat this, what are the chances of getting a Wireshark trace of
the AJP traffic for a connection where this happens?


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