Mark Thomas wrote:
On 21/03/2011 23:15, André Warnier wrote:
Mark Thomas wrote:
On 21/03/2011 22:06, SQ wrote:
Mark Thomas wrote:
On 18/03/2011 21:05, SQ wrote:
Solaris 10
Apache 2.2.16
mod_jk 1.2.31      <---------- Tomcat 5.5.30
JVM 1.6.0_14
Which AJP connector are you using? Is APR/native being used?
That doesn't answer my question. There are multiple AJP connectors
and   |
they all implement the AJP1.3 protocol. Exactly which one are you
using? -

Maybe the one above there ?

Nope. That is the web server end. I want to know what is being used on
the Tomcat end. For 5.5.x there are two options (6.0.x has three, 7.0.x
has two). It should be one of:

The start up messages should confirm exactly which is being used.

The following is no criticism, and is meant as a constructive comment :

For someone who is /not/ deeply involved in the code of Tomcat, it is not really clear in the documentation that one can choose between different AJP Connectors at the Tomcat level. Of course, after your comment above, and now that I have had another look at the on-line documentation ( e.g.) I also wonder why this eluded me for so long. All the previous discussions on this list about the choices between the standard blocking Connector, the Nio Connector and the APR native Connector *for HTTP* suddenly come to mind now. But in all that time, I never realised that there was also a similar choice for AJP.

It may be because the only place where it is actually mentioned is on the above page (and equivalent ones for the other versions), and getting to this particular "protocol" element requires following this path :
--> Documentation --> 7.0
        --> Configuration
              --> Connectors --> AJP
                       --> Common attributes
                                --> protocol

If one follows instead what would seem to be a more logical path :
  --> Documentation --> 7.0
             User Guide
                 --> 20) Connectors -->
                        Table of Contents --> AJP

then one never gets there (no link to

Another seemingly logical path would be :
--> Documentation
      --> Tomcat Connectors

but that one never leads there either (also no link).

I also believe that the explanation in the "protocol" attribute could be a bit more clear regarding the fact that choosing a different "protocol" actually means selecting a different "Connector class".

It is in fact also pretty hard to find an explanation on the Tomcat site, about what a Connector really /is/.

Patches still welcome, mm ?

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