On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:28 PM, Eelco Hillenius
> On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> if we ungenerify Link, should we also ungenerify Form? seems like the
>> exact same kind of usecase.
> Imho, generic forms make more sense, as you'd typically work on fields
> (with formcomponents) of one object (the model object of the form)

thats my point. you work on fields of one object, true, but it does
not necessarily have to be the form's modelobject unless you use a
compound property model. eg

        Form<Void> form = new Form<Void>("form")
            protected void onSubmit() { value = dosomethingwith(symbol); }

        form.add(new TextField<String>("symbol", new
PropertyModel<String>(this, "symbol")));

where [value] and [symbol] are clearly fields on the container that
parents the form. inside onsubmit i can just as easily access the
object directly without it being the model object of the form. now if
we factor out the form into a static inner or a top level class, just
like the link discussion, it becomes valuable to have the model.

> Anyway, not a big deal really. If you feel Link is better generified,
> I'm cool with it.

i agree that its no big deal, i am just trying to figure out some sort
of guidelines for when we do include the type and when we dont. if we
say that we only include the type when the component uses its model
then neither Link nor Form qualify. in fact neither will ListItem.
only things like ListView and FormComponents will qualify.


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