On Jul 24, 2008, at 10:22 , Johan Compagner wrote:

no this is not true.
Tomcat, the default tomcat installation, already uses serialization by

But you can disable it, right?

httpsessionstore does work but has its drawbacks yes.
And those can really only be solved by using serialization because we need
to be able to create clones
Or you as a developer disable page versioning on all your pages and then just use the back button for pages itself and make a simple store that just
keeps 5 pages in history or something like that.

Well, actually I don't want page versioning on my application, even though I'm not yet sure I can avoid it (I still have to study the implications of the specs for v2.0). In any case, I believe (but again there are high chances I am wrong) things have changed in 1.4. In other words, I think I have disabled page versioning in my application using Wicket 1.3 and everything is fine, but I fear I won't be able to port is as is to Wicket 1.4. Right?

Fabrizio Giudici, Ph.D. - Java Architect, Project Manager
Tidalwave s.a.s. - "We make Java work. Everywhere."
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