Thanks Guillaume,

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> To check whether the problem is rights-related (it might be if the 
> skin page is stored in the wiki), go to your Skin page with an Admin 
> account, click on edit -> page access rights, and then tick the view 
> right for Unregistered users.
> This will make only that specific page viewable (which does not matter 
> much) and might solve your problem.
> If this trick solves the issue, it would mean you problem stemmed from 
> the fact that XWiki refused to display the contents of the page to 
> users who didn't have the rights to see it, therefore preventing your 
> skin from being parsed & used. I'm not sure that's it but it might be 
> worth a shot :-)
> Hope this will work,
> Guillaume

This doesn't work here at least. I've two customized skin, one being 
used just for the home page and other for the rest of the site. In both 
pages, Unregistered Users are granted View right. But if I set Always 
authenticate on viewing: to yes, Toucan is used to render the login page.

Any other page implied in the process we must grant access to? Could I 
be misinterpreting the steps you propose? Thanks!!!


Ricardo Rodríguez
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