Thanks for this guys!!!!

I'm happy to give this a go, and I will do so. What I am wondering for the
greater community, is how this is reproducable over new versions of xwiki?
It seems that this is bound to the source vm. If I was to re-deploy xwiki
then I would drop this behaviour (I know this is the same with the skin

Sorry if Im being a pain, but Im sure this is some functionality others
would like :)

...thanks & back soon!

On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 12:29 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Guillaume.
> Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> >
> > Go to your xwiki folder on your filesystem -> go to webapps > xwiki >
> > templates & open login.vm in a text editor.
> >
> > In the file, replace
> >
> > #else
> > ###
> > ### Login page
> > ###
> > ###
> >
> > with
> >
> > #else
> > #if("$!" != "YOURSKINHERE")
> > $response.sendRedirect($doc.getURL("login", "skin=YOURSKINHERE")) #end
> > ###
> > ### Login page
> > ###
> > ###
> >
> >
> > Save the file & try to login again -> you're done :-)
> >
> > Guillaume
> Please, must I expect that this solutions works if I copy login.vm to a
> new skin folder associated with a virtual wiki and modify it accordingly?
> It works for me by modifying login.vm and forcing albatross instead of
> toucan. But it doesn't work with a skin defined in a virtual wiki.
> I guess Andrew doesn't user virtual wikis, so let's see if it works for
> him!
> Thank you so much,
> Ricardo
> --
> Ricardo Rodríguez
> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
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