
>  Guillaume, I can't edit the login page's access write's. If I login then
> try to get to the login page, it fowards me to the wiki home page. So I can
> never get to a position where I can change its access writes.
> Before overwriting albatross, let's try this last step :
>    1. Go to http://<server>/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiLogin?editor=wiki
>    2. Add this code at the top of the page above any other content :
>       1. #if("$!" != "myskin")
>       $response.sendRedirect($doc.getURL("view", "skin=myskin")) #end
>    3. Click on Save & view
>    4. logout, then try to login again.
> Actually the solution I suggested doesn't work, but here's one that does :

Go to your xwiki folder on your filesystem -> go to webapps > xwiki >
templates & open login.vm in a text editor.

In the file, replace

### Login page


#if("$!" != "YOURSKINHERE")
$response.sendRedirect($doc.getURL("login", "skin=YOURSKINHERE")) #end
### Login page

Save the file & try to login again -> you're done :-)

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