Hi Guillaume,

I can see there many of the actions we daily do with some effort by 
using the XWiki editor, so I am sure our users will enjoy a lot this new 

Just a couple of doubts. Perhaps they are about features not implemented 
yet or this could not be the better place to post them, but I would like 
to forward this message to some people here that will appreciate the 
work done.

Here the doubts:

   1. We currently rely on some Thunderbird nice add-ons (It's all text!
      is the winner here) or the use of browsers like OmniWeb to do
      find/replace actions. Won't be these features included in the new
      WYSIWYG editor?
   2. Have you already considered internationalization issues? How could
      we contribute to launch the new editor simultaneously in some
      other languages?
   3. As we try to use XWiki as the entry point for our workflow, import
      must not be of major importance for us (of course, it will really
      welcome as we usually receive, and keep receiving, contributions
      in these formats). But export, at least to RTF, is "critical" for
      us. Independently of the method used to export or to import (I see
      that officeimporter comes from a GSoC initiative) documents, why
      does the import menu is in the WYSIWYG and the export options only
      in the upper one? I understand that the export process could be
      accessed without editing a document, but perhaps users could
      expect to find the export options close to the import ones in the

Thanks you very much,


Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi fellow XWiki users,
> I've spent the last couple weeks working on designing mockups for the new
> version of the WYSIWYG editor that's currently in the works.
> I've put all my work on this page :
> http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/NewWysiwygEditorInterface
> and I'd be glad to gather initial user feedback on these mockups. Please
> tell us what you think about them now so that we can improve the screens
> before implementation begins at full speed.
> Specifically, I'm wondering about the following things :
>    - Can the text be improved to make things easier to understand ? If so,
>    where ?
>    - Are some features harder to reach than they should ?
>    - Are dialog boxes & trays consistent with user models of how edition
>    software usually behaves ?
>    - Do you see anything that will make an user wonder what's happening and
>    where he / she should click next ?
> Please note that the colors are only indicative at this stage - a designer
> will improve my work before we get to the final stage. I'll try incorporate
> your feedback soon and will let you know how the subseuent development goes.
> Thanks in advance,
> Guillaume

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

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