
Globally I like it.

Great :-)

> Some comments:
> 1) Link menu item:
> * How do we add a link to an email address?
> * How do we add a link to a generic URI?
> * How do we add an interwiki link?

I forgot about that, I'll add them.

> I think all these can be answered by providing a "Custom Link..." item
> in the drop down menu to let users enter whatever format they want. It
> would have 3 fields:
> - label
> - reference (this is the free form)
> - target

They might be merged with the "link to web page", I'll try some options.

> 2) Insert menu item:
> * I don't like the "Insert TOC" too much since the TOC is a macro like
> other macros. BTW this is true for the table too but here I agree that
> table should be in this menu... which means BTW that for the
> implementation we need to filter out the table from the macro list...

{table} , {image} , {attach} , {toc} : all of them are macros :-) I put it
there because I feel it has a special importance and is used more often than
other macros, but it would fit nicely under the macros menu as well.

> 3) Macro menu item:
> * Can categories be more than 1 level deep?
> * Can a macro be in more than 1 category?
> Note: This means that in the Macro descriptor implementation we need
> to add the notation of category which we don't currently have (we have
> macro description and parameters description).

I'd say 1 macro per category and the ability to add an additional level of
depth if our macro headcount grows too far. Howeverthis might not be a good
idea (too many drop-down menus isn't good) so I'll try designing a dialog
box for macro selection.

> 4) Import menu item:
> * You didn't show the submenu items

You can see them in the feature mindmap right above on the page.

> 5) Link Dialog Box - Browse tab
> * It's missing the ability to link to a subwiki (i.e. the wiki filter)
> 6) Link Dialog Box - Search tab
> * Again missing multiwiki
> * What if put the name of an attachment. How do I create a link to it
> from the search dialog box?

Look at the image more closely : it shows up as an attachment in the search
results list and you can create a link by clicking on the button.

> 7) Link Dialog Box - Recently Modified
> * By everyone or by me only or both?

I'd say by everyone and provide the author column to let the user filter by
himself only if he wants to.

> 8) Link to a web page
> * Wrong dialog box....

Right, I'll fix that.

> 9) Link to a new page
> * What about a link to a page in another wiki?
> * New page title --> New page name. This is not the title!

Right. I'll add both.

> BTW In English there's no space before ":"
> 10) Link Settings
> * Not sure I like the fact that you can set tooltip/etc when creating
> the link. I'm not sure on this.

You cannot set it when creating the link but when editing it through the
tray (as it is not an important feature). I don't think it matters much and
could be removed altogether.


> On Aug 21, 2008, at 7:06 PM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> > Hi fellow XWiki users,
> > I've spent the last couple weeks working on designing mockups for
> > the new
> > version of the WYSIWYG editor that's currently in the works.
> >
> > I've put all my work on this page :
> > http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Design/NewWysiwygEditorInterface
> >
> > and I'd be glad to gather initial user feedback on these mockups.
> > Please
> > tell us what you think about them now so that we can improve the
> > screens
> > before implementation begins at full speed.
> >
> > Specifically, I'm wondering about the following things :
> >
> >   - Can the text be improved to make things easier to understand ?
> > If so,
> >   where ?
> >   - Are some features harder to reach than they should ?
> >   - Are dialog boxes & trays consistent with user models of how
> > edition
> >   software usually behaves ?
> >   - Do you see anything that will make an user wonder what's
> > happening and
> >   where he / she should click next ?
> >
> > Please note that the colors are only indicative at this stage - a
> > designer
> > will improve my work before we get to the final stage. I'll try
> > incorporate
> > your feedback soon and will let you know how the subseuent
> > development goes.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Guillaume
> >
> > --
> > Guillaume Lerouge
> > Product Manager - XWiki
> > Skype ID : wikibc
> > http://blog.xwiki.com/
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Guillaume Lerouge
Product Manager - XWiki
Skype ID : wikibc
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