Asiri Rathnayake wrote:

> The images embedded inside Office document, how large are they? (very
> high-resolution images?)

in my sample case - not large at all (whole document is 125KB)

> - If they are quite large, you might want to increase the time-out for
> officeimporter operations (from file).

timeout is set to 5 minutes (300000ms)

> - Now, if they are not that large (if the most trivial images also fail),
> then it'll be great if you can provide us a sample failing document

i will send you the sample document directly so as not to spam the alias.

> Also, there is a small test you can perform if you have access to a GUI in
> your computer:
> - Open the failing document in OpenOffice.
> - Save the document as HTML into some place.
> Does above operation work without issues? And what about images, are they
> properly saved? and what type of images are they ? (The last question is
> because OpenOffice has a problem with EMF/WMF image formats on windows and
> linux boxes).

worked without issues.  the images in this case are PNG and GIF

thanks again for your help


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