On 12/4/2009 11:57 AM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:
>>> Refer:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/jodconverter/browse_thread/thread/8b73b26b701c3249?pli=1for
>> I fell we're hijacking the thread with this. Even if jodconverter will
>> create your profile directory you still need to update the office
>> importer management app which requires an directory path to connect.
>> You only get to call jodconverter while importing, and obviously after
>> the connection is made. But you can't connect to the server without the
>> folder in the first place.
> Jodconverter will try to figure out the openoffice installation dir
> automatically. But this is not very accurate, and I have metioned this on
> the doc:
> http://code.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Applications/OfficeImporterApplication
Yes, but even when it figures out the open office installation dir, it 
doesn't create the profile folder if it doesn't exist. This will cause 
the connection to fail. I think you have different behavior depending on 
the system. I tested on Windows Xp, 7 and Fedora. It never created the 
profile dir. Anyway, I don't think this is the cause of the current issue.
> "Default values for *homePath* and *profilePath* configuration options will
> be calculated based on your operating environment. Even though this is the
> case, this calculation might not yield accurate results for some systems. So
> it's a good idea to configure these values manually by editing the
> xwiki.properties file."
> - Asiri
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