Hi moon,

I see your point that there would be overhead in managing two systems. However, 
I don’t believe that working within JIRA will achieve what I’m thinking of. I’m 
impressed there are people who use JIRA and seem to be end users; however, I 
speculate that these are advanced users – edging on developers rather than 
purely data scientists. There needs to be a separation between what the users 
want and backend implementation. An artist doesn’t necessarily tell the 
rendering engineer how to program a photo-realistic renderer; he just says “I 
want it to be easier to do X and be able to better control Y”. I’ll keep 
maintaining the board. You are at least one person that is aware of it, and 
there may be others. I’ve talked with co-workers, and they like the idea.

There are two big things I see preventing me from posting\editing stuff, if I 

1.       I don’t have access to edit JIRA

2.       Others may not necessarily agree with my interpretation of the issues 
(I edit the titles and prune to what I think is relevant, which is a guess, at 
best, right now).

The real thought behind all of this is that the community would use the votes 
on specific cards as direction (or at least give an indication of what people 
are excited about); however, those cards are curated by me : /. I’m biased. 
This is a relatively esoteric project, so there is some inherent protection 
against trolls.

---- All I’d ask is that votes could be reflected from this board to JIRA; it 
doesn’t seem like people vote on things, anyway ---

I do believe that if Zeppelin gets more traction it will become the de facto 
tool for data science within the Hadoop ecosystem.

Those are my thoughts,

From: moon soo Lee [mailto:m...@apache.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:21 AM
To: users@zeppelin.incubator.apache.org
Cc: Brian G Durkin; Krishnachaitanya C Potluri; James J Boesger
Subject: Re: Using Trello to Show Mid to High Level features in Apache Zeppelin

Hi Marko Galesic,

Thanks for interest to Zeppelin. Also really appreciate for asking involvement.

About the trello you suggested, I checked and looks like you did nice job.

In my understanding, beside of JIRA, you'd like to use Trello board to get 
users(who is not familiar with JIRA) requests and feedbacks. right?

Personally, i think the idea make sense. There're definitely people who feels 
less comfortable of using JIRA.

However, instead of maintaining separate issue tracking system for different 
target user groups, how about contributing to Zeppelin directly to solve the 
problem. So improvement can be done with Apache community.
It can be documentation of how to create jira issue, it can be discussion of 
way of managing and organizing issues, it can be anything, we'll figure out.

What do you think?


On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:02 PM Marko Galesic 
<marko_gale...@progressive.com<mailto:marko_gale...@progressive.com>> wrote:
Hi all,

I’m wondering if people involved with this project would be willing to maintain 
a Trello board for user feature requests. I’d be willing to maintain it, 
however I’d like to know that others in the community would market it to those 
who would use it (users). I’ll be sending this to my company’s data scientists. 
The administration of the board should be handled by somebody other than the 
users, however.

I’ve started one here: https://trello.com/b/w7KDN7CC/apache-zeppelin I’ve taken 
what seemed like mid-to-high level feature requests and put them into “cards”, 
more on that later. This is a first pass. I’m open to feedback + adding 
administrators since this is really a high level reflection of what already 
exists in the Apache Zeppelin JIRA.

I’m trying to base it off of what Epic Games is doing with their Trello board 
for Unreal Engine (UE is a video game engine\content creation platform for 
games ranging from small independently developed mobile apps to multi-million 
dollar blockbuster titles that ship on Xbox and Playstation): 

There are “boards” (e.g. on the one I’ve set up: Interpreters, UI, 
Compatibility, etc), cards (e.g. Hive under Interpreters), card tagging (Epic 
Games uses this for indicating when that card would be implemented – 
specifically, in months), and votes (the board I’ve set up is a public board, 
so anybody with a Trello account can vote). I’ve also enabled card “aging”. As 
a card stays inactive, it starts to become transparent. The only card tag right 
now is “Wishlist/Backlog”.

This seems more accessible and user relevant than JIRA, and it also does not 
include bugs. If there are performance issues that need a ticket, they seem to 
get labeled as an “improvement” – there are very few of those, though, and I’m 
assuming Epic Games has their own, internal ticket tracking system that is much 
more granular.

Thank you,
Marko Galesic

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