Hi guys!
I find the suggestion to vote via trello totally cool and would support it.
So if everyone is OK with this, let's do this.

I was looking for such a possibility to have a community process to
prioritize something for quite some time (have also played with various
JIRA workarounds) - but this just blows my mind. Wish I had known it before

Marko, pls check if you set rights correctly - i cant vote.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 12:12 AM, Marko Galesic <
marko_gale...@progressive.com> wrote:

>  Hi moon,
> I see your point that there would be overhead in managing two systems.
> However, I don’t believe that working within JIRA will achieve what I’m
> thinking of. I’m impressed there are people who use JIRA and seem to be end
> users; however, I speculate that these are advanced users – edging on
> developers rather than purely data scientists. There needs to be a
> separation between what the users want and backend implementation. An
> artist doesn’t necessarily tell the rendering engineer how to program a
> photo-realistic renderer; he just says “I want it to be easier to do X and
> be able to better control Y”. I’ll keep maintaining the board. You are at
> least one person that is aware of it, and there may be others. I’ve talked
> with co-workers, and they like the idea.
> There are two big things I see preventing me from posting\editing stuff,
> if I did:
> 1.       I don’t have access to edit JIRA
> 2.       Others may not necessarily agree with my interpretation of the
> issues (I edit the titles and prune to what *I* think is relevant, which
> is a guess, at best, right now).
> The real thought behind all of this is that the community would use the
> votes on specific cards as direction (or at least give an indication of
> what people are excited about); however, those cards are curated by me : /.
> I’m biased. This *is* a relatively esoteric project, so there is some
> inherent protection against trolls.
> ---- All I’d ask is that votes could be reflected from this board to JIRA;
> it doesn’t seem like people vote on things, anyway ---
> I do believe that if Zeppelin gets more traction it will become the de
> facto tool for data science within the Hadoop ecosystem.
> Those are my thoughts,
> Marko
> *From:* moon soo Lee [mailto:m...@apache.org]
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 18, 2015 1:21 AM
> *To:* users@zeppelin.incubator.apache.org
> *Cc:* Brian G Durkin; Krishnachaitanya C Potluri; James J Boesger
> *Subject:* Re: Using Trello to Show Mid to High Level features in Apache
> Zeppelin
> Hi Marko Galesic,
> Thanks for interest to Zeppelin. Also really appreciate for asking
> involvement.
> About the trello you suggested, I checked and looks like you did nice job.
> In my understanding, beside of JIRA, you'd like to use Trello board to get
> users(who is not familiar with JIRA) requests and feedbacks. right?
> Personally, i think the idea make sense. There're definitely people who
> feels less comfortable of using JIRA.
> However, instead of maintaining separate issue tracking system for
> different target user groups, how about contributing to Zeppelin directly
> to solve the problem. So improvement can be done with Apache community.
> It can be documentation of how to create jira issue, it can be discussion
> of way of managing and organizing issues, it can be anything, we'll figure
> out.
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> moon
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 3:02 PM Marko Galesic <
> marko_gale...@progressive.com> wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I’m wondering if people involved with this project would be willing to
> maintain a Trello board for user feature requests. I’d be willing to
> maintain it, however I’d like to know that others in the community would
> market it to those who would use it (users). I’ll be sending this to my
> company’s data scientists. The administration of the board should be
> handled by somebody other than the users, however.
> I’ve started one here: https://trello.com/b/w7KDN7CC/apache-zeppelin I’ve
> taken what seemed like mid-to-high level feature requests and put them into
> “cards”, more on that later. This is a first pass. I’m open to feedback +
> adding administrators since this is really a high level reflection of what
> already exists in the Apache Zeppelin JIRA.
> I’m trying to base it off of what Epic Games is doing with their Trello
> board for Unreal Engine (UE is a video game engine\content creation
> platform for games ranging from small independently developed mobile apps
> to multi-million dollar blockbuster titles that ship on Xbox and
> Playstation): https://trello.com/b/gHooNW9I/ue4-roadmap
> There are “boards” (e.g. on the one I’ve set up: Interpreters, UI,
> Compatibility, etc), cards (e.g. Hive under Interpreters), card tagging
> (Epic Games uses this for indicating when that card would be implemented –
> specifically, in months), and votes (the board I’ve set up is a public
> board, so *anybody* *with a Trello account* can vote). I’ve also enabled
> card “aging”. As a card stays inactive, it starts to become transparent.
> The only card tag right now is “Wishlist/Backlog”.
> This seems more accessible and user relevant than JIRA, and it also does
> not include bugs. If there are performance issues that need a ticket, they
> seem to get labeled as an “improvement” – there are very few of those,
> though, and I’m assuming Epic Games has their own, internal ticket tracking
> system that is much more granular.
> Thank you,
> Marko Galesic

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