On Saturday 19 June 2010 19:27:44 Pat Naughtin wrote:
> Have you considered how much it costs you to spend those few seconds
> on every page. Now multiply that amount by all drawing people (such
> engineers) in the USA. It makes my estimate at
> http://www.metricationmatters.com/docs/CostOfNonMetrication.pdf look more
> realistic.

I write PostScript code rarely. I'm talking about pages I write myself in 
PostScript (such as graph paper), or which I write programs to generate (such 
as a simulation of rainfall going down a river for hydrology). Not documents 
I write in a word processor.

On Saturday 19 June 2010 21:59:52 Bill Hooper wrote:
> Apple does it! (Well, almost - it allows centimetres but not millimetres  -
> Sorry Pat Naughtin.)).

The *type size* in centimeters? That's too big a unit for measuring letters.

Don't buy a French car in Holland. It may be a citroen.

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