On  Jun 21 , at 9:14 AM, Pierre Abbat wrote:

> Btw, I don't have Zapfino, so I can't read it the way you wrote it.

Sorry! I was afraid that might be the case.

Here (attached) is a PDF file showing the comparison of samples of two fonts 
(Helvetica and Zapfino). I hope you can read this.

I admit that the Zapfino font is an extreme example of the fact that the same 
point size in one font is not necessarily the same size as that point size in 
another font. But it certainly is true that 12 pt. in one font is not always 
(maybe not USUALLY!) the same size as 12 pt. in another font. All this is 
another argument in favor of dropping the font system entirely.

Bill Hooper

Attachment: font samples.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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