On 2022-09-16 16:25, per...@o2.pl wrote:
It seems that I have to answer my own question. Currently I succeeded
to get 245.76MSamp/s in benchmark_rate for single channel with DPDK
over single 10Gbit link for an RFSoC device similar to USRP X410.
My setup:
UHD 4.3, Ubuntu 20.04, DPDK 19.11 installed from packages
command: benchmark_rate --rx_subdev "A:0" --rx_channels 0
--rx_rate 245.76e6
Hardware: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX, 128GB RAM, motherboard
Asus X399
This is not a mind-blowing rate, because I’m able to get quite stable
245.76 MSamp/s without DPDK.
But it is a good start taking into account number of different strange
steps during DPDK installation and setup and very poor performance at
the beginning.
Solutions to some issues were totally counterintuitive. I.e. in the
end I still had one ~oveflow per second at 245.76MSamp rate. The
solution was to run the program WITHOUT root rights/sudo (what
requires additional steps that were described by Rob Kossler).
Best Regards,
Piotr Krysik
The problem is that it's a question with absolutely no generic answer.
People run SDR "stacks" on computers covering
literally several generations of CPU design (both Intel and AMD),
different clock rates, bus speeds, memory speeds,
OS versions, different collections of peripheral cards like Ethernet
interfaces (1Gig and 10GIg), etc.
Further there likely aren't a huge number of users of the X410 at this
point, and I suspect that many (not all, mind)
users of the X410 don't want to share very much about system
configuration things.
There's also probably a fair amount of "it depends" as to whether DPDK
will improve performance or not involving
DPDK versions, type of 10GiG hardware, and which kernel version.
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