--- On Tue, 4/21/09, Daniel Fussell <dfuss...@byu.edu> wrote:
> A moment of silence for MySQL
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/04/20/128246

I wouldn't assume the demise of MySQL just yet.

First: Oracle's not likely to drop MySQL development unless they
can guarantee that at least the paying MySQL customers (yes,
there are some) will migrate to Oracle, as opposed to, say,

Second: even if Oracle stops work on MySQL, the GPL'ed MySQL
code is already out in the world, and there are in fact several
other groups working on the database and even providing their own
downloads -- see Percona for example.  Some of those alternate
versions include bug fixes and performance improvements that
haven't (yet?) made their way back into the official mysql.com
tree.  Oracle could, I suppose, assert trademark rights and make
the rest of the world stop using the MySQL *name*, but we still
have the code.

Third: Oracle already owns other open source database products,
and they're still in development.  See for instance Berkeley DB
and InnoDB.  Given that, why not also MySQL?

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