On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 14:17 -0600, Aaron Toponce wrote:
> Oracle is every bit as proprietary as Microsoft, and they have a
> reputation around where I work as being a bully, very "dog eat dog'.

If by "every bit as proprietary as Microsoft" you mean "also learning to
embrace F/OSS", then I agree.

I'm under no illusion that Oracle is going to start handing out free
candy to small children. But as Mark Twain might say "The reports of
[MySQL's] death are greatly exaggerated."

If you've taken any time to read the wild speculation spewed across the
'Net after the announcement, you should have seen plenty of arguments
why killing MySQL would make no sense for Oracle even if it could, which
it probably can't.

The fact is, the only person who really knows what Oracle will do is
Larry Ellison. I'm not even going to pretend to predict what the
purchase means for MySQL, Java, OpenSolaris, OpenOffice.org, SPARC,
Linux, Sun's storage business, or anything else. Instead I'm going to
sit back and watch what is sure to be an interesting show for the next
couple years.

"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you aren't
using enough of it." - Chris Maden

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