On Sat, Nov 21, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Mike F. <ski.phr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But I desperately missed the apt-* package
> managing family.  Yast and Yum just didn't do it for me.

No kidding...this is my only problem with Fedora right now. Although,
the way they handle packages in Fedora is about 10 times better than
in openSuSE with YAST, so I can live with it for now.

I think one of the things I miss the most on Ubuntu is being able to
do tab completion for packages using apt-get. I can do apt-get install
python-[tab][tab] and see all the available packages that start with
python-...that and Synaptic...Synaptic is nice, clean, and quick

I am sure there is some way to get the same type of tab completion for
yum. Anyone happen to have a script for that? Or any thoughts on how
to make one?

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