On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 09:08 -0700, Robert LeBlanc wrote:
> I've worked with RHEL, CENTOS, etc and my biggest grip is there is no
> structure. An RPM can choose to put things anywhere
> (/etc, /opt, /usr, /var, etc).


Each distro has its own standards, and each package management system
can be abused by ignoring those standards. Before you claim that RHEL
puts files in any random place, take some time to read Fedora's
packaging guidelines. While Fedora has evolved some since the last RHEL
release, you'll find there is very much a logic to how things are
packaged for both. You're just not as familiar with RHEL as you are with


"XML is like violence: if it doesn't solve your problem, you aren't
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