On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 12:55:18PM -0700, Richard Esplin wrote:
> I think the Ubuntu contributions get under-represented because of the
> practice of tying Launchpad issues to the upstream bug tracker. This
> makes it easy to submit resolutions directly upstream. That is the way
> many issues I have followed reach resolution.

I agree that bug fixes are great.  My gripe is that this is only one
form of contribution.

> Ubuntu also works very closely with Debian. Many Ubuntu issues are
> addressed by submitting new packages into Debian unstable. I suspect
> that some of the contributions attributed to Debian actually
> originated with Ubuntu developers.

That's a fair point, but Ubuntu and Debian share the reputation of
isolating themselves.

> I don't think treating Ubuntu separate from the Debian community it is
> a part of is exactly fair. Ubuntu has been a force in Debian pushing
> it to innovate in ways that improve polish and integration for the end
> user. At first it was a real challenge for Debian to adjust to the
> Ubuntu contributions, but the last couple of years it seems to happen
> so smoothly that it goes largely unnoticed.

I was aware of bad feelings between Debian and Ubuntu, so it's good to
hear that this is improving.

> Contributions to Linux plumbing are essential, but I don't believe
> that this is the only metric for determining if a distribution is
> "parasitic".

Plumbing is an important aspect, but not the only one.  Compare the
following pages:

Red Hat / Fedora:


Canonical / Ubuntu:


There is a vast difference in both quality and quantity.  Imagine how
much better the FOSS world would be if Canonical contributed as much per
capita as Red Hat does.

Andrew McNabb
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