Andrew McNabb wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 06:28:20AM -0700, Aaron Toponce wrote:
>> Lastly, DEBs aren't built on top of CPIO, but gzipped tarballs
>> instead. I personally find this superior, as CPIO is an obscure
>> technology, that only RPM is using.  Everyone else in the world are
>> using tarballs as well.
> The cpio and tar utilities have both been around for a _very_ long time.

I never said they haven't.

> Traditionally, they have both had various strengths and weaknesses, but
> in the end, it doesn't really matter (some people prefer one over the
> other[2, 3], but I really don't care).  There are many common uses of
> cpio, particularly when portability is essential.  Whatever
> distribution(s) you believe in, your system wouldn't boot without cpio
> (initrd images are compressed cpio archives).

Ah yes, forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me there. So, RPM and
initrd.img. Any other common uses of cpio?

> I don't use cpio all that often, but it pains me to see it maligned. :)

It pains me to use cpio. To each their own.

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