I suppose it is academic .. but for the wheel size .. it apparently
depends on what year or model  you have as well. The 1978 XS1100E,F
and '81H do have a rear 17 inch wheel according to their posted
specifications at and an owner from my "Royal"
list that claims he just changed the rear end. The rear that came off
of his appears to have "ribs" cast into the housing and is not
identical to the Max rear .. but he claims it bolts up and posted a
photo. He also claims that the wheel hub, (clutch hub), spline also
slides right into the housing with no modifications. There is a
microfiche at   for an
'81H, (what ever that is), that shows a 17 inch wheel, (unfortunately
.. as TH pointed out ... it is only 2.5 inch wide and not of much
use), and there is an article on the XS11 site where some guy talks
about "converting" his "79SF", (a special ??), to a 17 inch wheel ...
so I guess at least that model was not a 17 incher. Soooooo .. the
only thing remaining to be interested in on the phantom or otherwise
17 inchers is the wheel hub .. to compare the spacing and see if it
might be of any value down the road.

There is a lot of "rear end" traffic over on the "cruiser" side that
has possibilities for us. I got involved in this "shoot out" yesterday
trying to secure a gutted Royal Star housing that happens to have a
speed sensor pickup hole in it ... (you know what that is for). Some
of those guys have managed to obtain large quantities of new parts at
lot prices from failing dealerships or those that are simply clearing
their shelves and selling by the pound. They are also coming up with
some technical information .... that they will trash if it is of no
value for their purposes.

The majority of the parts from other bikes out there ... no matter
what their age ... are of no value ... but there are some interesting
pieces that can be used ...  and work very well on the Vmax or will be
of value for other modifications .....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Harnish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: "Bizzare" alternative wheels - XS1100

> TC I own a XS1100 and my rear wheel
> is a 16 inch rim and the diff. will not interchange .
> Eric H.

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