I like the iterator :). A few more comments, I'll look in more depth when the
tests are there.

File src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc (right):

src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc:35: //
nit - drop extra "//" here and at end of comment

src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc:36: // values_ layout
nit - /s/values_ layout/The layout of values_ is:/

src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc:45: // receiver
nit - /s/receiver/Reciever./ (and similar below)

src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc:71: // values layout is
[receiver] [parameters] [registers]
nit - remove this comment (it will probably end up getting out of sync
with the same comment in Environment()).

src/compiler/bytecode-graph-builder.cc:285: BuildBinaryOp(node);
I was meaning that the BuildBinaryOp would take js_op, left, right and
build the node, rather than just finishing the node once it's done
(i.e., move the Node* node = NewNode(js_op, left, right) in each
VisitAdd/Sub... into the BuildBinaryOp.

File src/compiler/linkage.h (right):

src/compiler/linkage.h:333: static const int
kInterpreterReceiverParameter = -1;
No, please don't make this an Interpreter parameter - these are only the
parameters which are passed via the Dispatch TailCalls in the bytecode
handler. It should probably be just below
kJSFunctionCallClosureParamIndex and be called something like
kJSFunctionRecieverParamIndex (since this is not specific to the

Actually, I'm wondering why this isn't
Linkage::kJSFunctionCallClosureParamIndex - this seems to be what
ASTGraphBuilder is using for the same thing. Michi, why didn't you want
this to be Linkage::kJSFunctionCallClosureParamIndex?

File src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.cc (right):

src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.cc:15: :
bytecode_array_(bytecode_array), bytecode_offset_(0) {
need to init operands_used_ if DEBUG

src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.cc:31: bool
BytecodeArrayIterator::More() const {
More seems a little confusing here, since it implies you could run until
More() and still call current_bytecode() even if More != true (since it
implies that you can't call Next, not that we have gone past the current
value). How about done() (like StackFrameIteratorBase)? (also maybe
Advance() instead of Next() also like StackFrameIteratorBase?)

src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.cc:86: void
BytecodeArrayIterator::CheckOperandsUsed() const {
I'm wondering how useful this will be (and whether we will end up
needing to iterate over bytecode and not always check all the bytecode
operands). I'm fine with having it here though if you think it would be


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