On Nov 28, 2008, at 4:21 PM, J. Todd Slack-Moehrle wrote:

> Kerri,
>> Maybe I'm just a super-rich American, but I don't understand the
>> complaint about an educational discount.  Is $5 going to break  
>> you?  I
>> understand an EDU discount on something like CS4, but for Versions?
>> How much of a discount are you expecting?
> Dualy noted, but when you could use this software for 500 machines
> plus a huge lab environment, plus then students will buy it for use
> outside of the lab, etc then yes $5 on each copy does make a  
> difference.

Ah - commonly EDU pricing is more about individual licensing, in my  
experience, than a bulk pricing option.

>> I'm really surprised at the attitude and the QQ - does the "do what I
>> want NOW or I take my business elsewhere!" line ever work for anyone,
>> in any situation in life?
> It is absolutely valid in life. In a lot of situations. Maybe besides
> being a super rich american you live under a rock too? The philosophy
> of "do what we need to run our business, or we will find someone that
> can" is valid for many many things.

In a B2B situation, sure.  Coming from an individual, they're asinine.

Hope you get an answer from the Versions team you're happy with.


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