What do you all believe is the fastest video encoder?  I'm trying to encode a video podcast and videoblog (I suppose I should be using a compressor for the videoblog), yet every tool I've tested takes an unbelievably long time to encode.  I'm talking *hours* to encode 5 minutes of webcam-quality .mov files into .m4v for iPods.  All except for Final Cut Pro HD, which encodes in a reasonable amount of time; but I'm getting mixed results with that.   (One encode job turned out excellent; the next pauses during playback.)

I've been testing QuickTime Pro, Final Cut Pro HD, BTV Pro, and Avid Free DV, and I'm about to test FFmpeg.  I'm not restricted to any particular operating system, so I'm interested in hearing your opinion of the best video encoder for Mac, Windows, or Linux systems.

Harold J. Johnson
Something That Happened

Individual Fireant Typepad


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