
I know many people probably won't like hearing this, but....

I don't know if it is possible to have "people" subscribe to your feed and not have other site's aggregate and redistribute your feed without your control.

(And let me point out that I am NOT trying to justify any of this.  I'm just trying to explain current attitudes with members of Internet society.)

To many many many people, if you create an RSS or Atom people, then you are implicitly giving people permission to do all sort of things with it.  It's the way things have been for a very very long time.  And this "permission" included aggregating and redistributing.  (And I know many people don't like this.  But I'm NOT trying to justify this.  I'm only trying to explain the attitude of current Internet society.)

This is akin to someone creating a website, posting the URL to the website in public places.  And then complaining when people bookmark their site.  Or post their own URLs to the site.

(Again, let me point out that I am NOT trying to justify any of this.  I'm just trying to explain current attitudes with Internet society.)

Now granted, they should be "talking about" where the "content" came from.  They can even use standard HTML elements to do this with: <cite>, <blockquote>, <q>, and <a>.  (Or they could use other semantic HTML.)

See ya

On 4/7/06, Anne Walk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Josh.

While searching for sites for testinggrounds.loadedpun.com, I've found tons of vlogs listed in a great number of sites. They do, indeed, pick up media feeds and list them. Check out Blinkx, for example. I bet you're in there.

It's a very strange feeling to go to a community site and find your listings. These places usually have a way to get out of the listings if you find your stuff, but they have no way to prevent you from getting in there in the first place.

On 4/7/06, Josh Leo < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I looked at the "watch" tab on veoh and noticed a bunch of vlogger's videos (including Bre, Markus, and Rocketboom) on the page. Markus didnt know anything about it, and I highly doubt Rocketboom submuts their content to Veoh to be transcoded into flash and hosted there...

what is the deal? are they scraping feeds then transcoding and hosting videos without permission?

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @ reptile.ca
    supercanadian @ gmail.com

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