I'm not sure what we can do as a larger community, but as the only
developer of VlogMap, my mind is centric to the site...

I'm not trying to compete with other sites, but I do feel a
responsibility to those who visit VlogMap.  Over the past year, I've
analyzed where visitors come from and what paths they take through the
site.   Most are not vloggers and many have very little knowledge of
what we are doing.  If we can welcome them and educate them on the
basics, we may be rewarded with more vloggers.

Combine the issue of non-vloggers, those who are technically
challenged, and people who are not comfortable with English, and it
becomes hard to build a site that caters to each.  My intention for
building forums and a handbook was to "bridge the gap" between tech-
and non-tech vloggers, as well as vloggers and non-vloggers.  I see
forums has something that is mainly used by existing vloggers
(searched for info by all) and the handbook as a way for everyone to
teach/learn more.

There is indeed a problem with repeat questions and the inability to
find answers here on the Yahoo Group.  It is my opinion that this
group is very powerful, yet very small.  We cannont expect everyone to
come join this group and keep up on the myriad of discussions. There
aren't even 1,000 vlogs mapped yet (many are not part of this group),
BUT there is a large influx of viewers on VlogMap.  It would be nice
to get help in educating them.  I simply do not have ability to manage
all this, but they are here now.

The solution does not have to be VlogMap-based, but I'm not sure where
to begin the education process.


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