
Woo you;ve got the nice cc license on your work that allows
derivatives, that makes you a hero of mine :)

Ive been looking at the creative commons site to learn more. I fear
they may not have as much spare resources to help us all that much, or
rather they probably need our help in return as much as we need them.
For example I was just looking at a 'podcasting legal guide' on their
site, specifically the 'applying a cc license to your podcast' section:

Specifically this bit:

"Using A Service To Distribute And/Or Promote Your Podcasts.

We are reviewing "terms of use" agreements offered by many podcast
service providers and will update this section of the Guide to address
legal issues related to these "terms of use" agreements of which
podcasters should be especially aware.

For now, suffice it to say, that before you agree to use any
podcasting services, you should, at a minimum, read the provider's
terms of service, privacy policy and copyright policy. This ensures,
first, that such policies exist (which can tell you a bit about who
you are dealing with), and second, informs you of the terms and
policies to which you may be bound. It is a best practice for service
providers to make these policies clearly available through a link on
the service provider's home page, as well as on any page on the
website where you sign up for the service. If these policies are not
obvious and clearly available, write to the provider and ask for
details before you move forward. If the provider is reluctant or
refuses to provide the terms up front, it would be better to hold off
doing business with the provider until their policies are in order and
in writing. "

I seem to remember reading the same thoing on their site some time
ago, so I guess they havent managed to update this yet. Anyway for
most of this stuff I imagine podcasting and videoblogging are very
close. So perhaps they need our help with this stuff.

For example Ive been restating a lot of the basic and not-so-basic
creative commons principals etc in recent threads over the last day,
have you been looking at that stuff at all? I would really love to get
your take on advertising, whether text or graphic advertising within
website pages that may embed your video is ok or not, in your opinion.
We need as many of these opinions as possible, because some are
assuming its ok, its legally not so clear, and it would be good to
know what content creators all think about this.


Steve Elbows

--- In, "Casey McKinnon"
> After the whole MyHeavy debacle, I believe it important to discuss our
> Creative Commons licenses.  I don't believe we need to change anything
> about the licenses because they are pretty thorough already, but since
> this is the second (known) time that we have had an issue with sites
> disregarding our licenses, I think it's important not to sweep it
> under the rug too quickly.  
> I believe our next step should be to reach out to the Creative Commons
> community and ask them for an opinion and how we should deal with the
> situation in the future.
> The truth of the matter is that most of us do not have the funds for
> legal representation so we need to figure out what options are
> available from the larger internet community.  I have no doubt that
> the good people at Creative Commons have dealt with situations like
> this before and I believe that they may have a lot to contribute to
> this discussion.
> Best,
> Casey
> ---
> Casey McKinnon
> Executive Producer, Galacticast

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