Finding videos probably isn't a challenge for those who would be interested
in doing this.  no?  What I think would be of great value on the wiki is a
sort of FAQ/Tips on how to accomplish such an event:

1) What sort of venues might be interested in participating?
2) Where should I start my search for a venue? (resources other than the
yellow pages?)
3) What are the important things to consider when selecting a venue?
(facilities, surrounding area, hotels/transit, other?)
4) What list of requirements/preferences should I provide the venue
5) What objections/questions should I expect from the venue management
during planning?
6) What is the venue going to expect of me? (If not money, then what else if
anything should I expect to provide to the venue?)

and even promotion stuff:

1) How can I best get the word out locally?

etc etc etc

- Dave


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