On 7/12/07, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's the rest of us, who are concerned about what Podtech did and the
> way they've behaved since.

Right. PodTech is a company that wants to work with independent / new-media
producers ... its reasonable for a community of such producers to be
concerned when such a company displays something less than full respect to
OUR rights on OUR media.

We're all eager to believe (I think) that this was a simple oversight on
PodTechs part ... we're not (I don't think) trying to burn them at the stake
for making a mistake ... but rather set some reasonable community
expectations as to how such mistakes should be addressed/handled/settled
going forward ... and having such issues drag out for SO LONG only to be
left with a bottom line of  "look, Mr Independent producer, we're going to
set the price for your media we already stole and used" isn't really gonna
cut it.  You get to negotiate a price be if you do so BEFORE yo use it ....
otherwise you (the guy who stole the content) SETTLE for a price.  Pod tech
needs to settle this and do right by Lan ... not the other way around.

That doesn't mean they have to pay $3k (and Lan has already said he has been
attempting to negotiate and sent multiple quotes) ... but they need to find
a number that is MUTUALLY agreeable with the content producer.

Hopefully they'll work it out and Lan will be able to report that behind the
scenes they reached a settlement and he is happy with the result ... but
until he can say that, a community that PodTech hopes to court has an
understandable concern.

And Lan has been pretty quiet on this all things considered.  Its the rest
of us that wont let it be :-P

- Dave


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