Hi everyone:

On 10/31/07, bordercollieaustralianshepherd
> Pat
>  Blip's Flash link <http://blip.tv/file/456785> works great, the link

Good.  Figured it would. :D
>  that is a redirect from the image is a very very very slow load/download.

That's because the video is over 300 MB in size and is over 45 minutes
in length.  As such, it would be best to DOWNLOAD that to your
computer or portable device.

>  You are getting there.

The other episodes (Except Episode 07 Part Two, which I'll get to work
on as soon as I finish updating the other episodes) are NOWHERE NEARLY
as big or as long.  But still nevertheless, I'll post a text link to
the page with the Flash version as I update each post on Blogger in
real time.

I'd much rather deal with Quicktime MP4s (Even though they can be a
bear to download if the episode is long) because MP4 videos will work
on most portable devices except cell phones (And even that depends on
the make & model you get/have anyway) whereas Flash is more standard
with some phones (Again depending on the make & model you get/have)
and cross-platform PCs.

But if the majority of my subscribers want the Flash version, then
that's what they shall receive.  Same with the Quicktime version now
currently featured :D  I don't want to have people manually
downloading Flash versions if they don't have or want to if at all
possible as  ....

A).  Flash can streamed from a web page A LOT easier than Quicktime can.
B).  Forcing people to manually download Flash would just simply drive
people away.

But again, if the majority of my subscribers truly WANT to download
the Flash version, then that's what shall be featured. :D  I should
run another poll on this.

That all said, YOU HAVE BEEN HEARD & your points are all well taken
and appreciated.  :D  I'm just trying to keep an open mind when it
comes to preferred & featured format.

>  > Cheers :D

Pat Cook
Denver, Colorado
AS MY WORLD TURNS - Blogger Page -
http://asmyworldturnstv.blogspot.com/ BlogTV Page -
PAT'S REAL DEAL VIDEO BLOG - http://patsrealdeal.livejournal.com/
YOUTUBE CHANNEL - http://www.youtube.com/amwowttv/
THE PAT COOK SHOW  - http://www.livevideo.com/thepcshow
THE PAT COOK SHOW (Video Podcast) - Blogger Page -
http://thepctvshow.blogspot.com/ - BlogTV Page -

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