Ive cross posted some more on this topic:

"Why Mahalo is Fundementally Flawed"

On Nov 13, 2007, at 10:10 AM, John Coffey wrote:

> Wow, Andrew comes out bitch slapping! Let's book this
> on Jerry Springer!
> > Speaking of Jason, he's most known for:
> >
> > 1. Stealing the idea and the people from Gizmodo to
> > make the
> > identical knock off- Engagdget
> > 2. Not paying employees fair wages.
> > 3. Trying to steal Amanda from Rocketboom (only one
> > day after news
> > broke)
> > 4. Trying to steal top posters from Digg for
> > Netscape
> > 2. Killing Netscape by making it into a Diggclone
> > and then getting
> > fired from AOL
> > 3. Building a site called Mahalo which is suffering
> > badly and no one
> > likes.
> >
> > Not just based on these few examples which have been
> > extremely
> > destructive to the world, but also based on his
> > regular,
> > stereotypical activity of attacking people instead
> > of their work, I
> > just want to throw out that Jason's only means of
> > being popular is
> > exactly this: taking and causing conflict.
> >
> > Look no further than Ann Coulter.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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