I am seeing the posts rolling in now about taking this off list as I  
am just about to publish the below. I'd like to go ahead and publish  
it, I think its relevant. It has to do with videoblogging, blogging,  
history of the space and people who are involved:

On Nov 13, 2007, at 10:50 AM, Jason McCabe Calacanis wrote:

> Oh boy... I probably shouldn't even respond to something so libelous.
> However, this is so false I've got to correct it.
> > 1. Stealing the idea and the people from Gizmodo to make the
> > identical knock off- Engagdget
> False.

The point I was trying to make though, is that you didn't do anything  
innovative or new, you just take one thing and clone it exactly the  
same. This is fine Jason, Im just saying you do business by knocking- 
off others. This is not interesting to me and I have found in my life  
that people who do this are usually selfish at the expense of others.

> > 2. Not paying employees fair wages.
> False.

But you write: "better than or as good as Denton"

I rest my case.

> > 3. Trying to steal Amanda from Rocketboom (only one day after news
> > broke)
> False.
> Are people not allowed to make offers? Would you rather talented folks
> not get offers when they've achieved success? After working for you
> should Amanda never work again? I'm confused.

Your confused because you don't seem to have any understanding of the  
social element.  Its just really rude and not supportive, Jason. Its  
selfish because you always think you have so much more to offer and  
in that case you knew nothing at all about what was going on or who  
we were. Imagine that the news broke that you and your wife were  
having problems and then the next day, your business partner called  
her up for a date. Yea, I know, this is not about love affairs, but  
there is a social element involved and you have repeatedly shown  
disrespect for others who are participating and trying to get along  
in the same space.

> > 4. Trying to steal top posters from Digg for Netscape
> False.

I beg to differ. After a long history of cloning other peoples idea,  
I think its true that you not only tried to clone digg and failed  
miserably, but also had the audacity to goto Digg to try to sway away  
the top posters (for miserable salary no less). Again, you didn't  
understand the social, but by this time, it was the online social you  
didn't understand. What happened in the end? People revolted against  
you for trying to "rip of digg" (these are not my words), the site  
crashed and burned and now you are gone. Say what you will about  
quitting, its a great self-defense. I know people who have a history  
of saying they were fired when they quit and saying they quit when  
they were fired. I guess its just a coincidence that the project you  
had suggested turned to crap right at the same time.

> > 3. Building a site called Mahalo which is suffering badly and no one
> > likes.
> The 1.5 million unique who've come in the last 30 days (our fifth
> month) might disagree with you. :-)

Out of 1.5 million, where are the positive reviews? I have never seen  
a single positive review of Mahalo. Ever. I know you must have a few  
Jason, can you point us to a really good review of Mahalo by someone  
who really understands the space? Just one good one - there must be one?

> In terms of Veronica you can be sure she has a much better deal than
> the one she had at CNET. You can also be sure she has much more
> resources behind her than ever.

Great. More salary than Nick Denton pays, and better salary than  
CNET. Not exactly something to boast about. So why are you the one  
here doing the work?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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