This may start a whole discussion back and forth.  But, I find a
problem with the philosophy and idea behind fully GPL and free
software. As Richard Stallman posits freedom, it's the freedom of
anyone to use software without restriction or barriers.  The
contradiction I find is that is that is purely accomplished by
compelling those that create software to release all the code.  So
there is a contradiction in the word "freedom" in that it is taking
away freedom of choice from those that create the work.  I see the
best result is a wide inclusion of those producing open source and
mixed open and closed source products. That way a wide range of
products and perspectives produce a rich, valuable source of software.

  -- Enric

--- In, Jen Simmons
> I think vPIP is an awesome plug-in. I'm glad we get to ship it /  
> promote it / teach people how to use it with Show in a Box.
> I respect Enric's desire to not offer everything as GPL. Especially  
> since he is working on his flash player to make it fabulous, and  
> since the use of flash players by media companies big and small is a  
> HUGE thing, that has to do with $$$ flowing... I respect Enric's  
> plan, whatever it might be, to be able to charge people for use in  
> the future / or whatever (I don't know what) >> but to not simply  
> give everything away as GPL.
> We definitely need to work out the licensing issues around all the  
> parts of SIAB. It's on the long list of things to do -- but no one  
> has gotten to it with the focus and rigor needed to finish answering  
> all the questions and teach everyone else what's up. I, for example,  
> barely know what all the different terms mean -- and could easily use  
> the wrong one when talking.
> This issue does keep coming up internally, and does keep starting  
> over at the beginning... without ever really getting resolved. So --  
> sorry, Enric. I hope it seems less like pressure to get you to change  
> your mind -- and more of a lack of understanding and clarity on the  
> part of the SIAB team.
> What we need is for someone in this group to take this on as a task  
> and go the distance with figuring out what all this means. And write  
> it all up as a clear thing on the wiki -- and hopefully in the future  
> we can simply keep pointing to the wiki.
> I think the issue is least resolved around the flash player issues --  
> what are we going to include? How do those licenses line up.
> Do we have any lawyers in this group?? Anyone who's worked on  
> software licensing before?? Any volunteers to really figure this out???
> Jen
> On Nov 16, 2007, at 5:10 pm, Enric wrote:
> > Yes, I've been finding it a bit frustrating getting repeated questions
> > on why vPIP isn't GPL that I've explained several times.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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