I'm seconding the opinion of our delegate from the grand state of Hawaii:
 for something as simple as doing a video a week, some of the infrastructure
feels slike its just going to add to my video workflow without enhancing my
videoblogging/community experience.
If we make the main depository Mefeedia, can't we just tag our videos and
have them show up there?  Maybe someone can make a pretty skin for the page
to make it feel special and highlight whatever its about.

And the thought of having actual content/meme assignments always leave me in
the dust as I just dont keep up with them.  Heck, I havent even put up my
Rampaging Santas video as I havent had time to finish it.  Maybe it will be
my Valentine vid..

On Jan 3, 2008 12:21 PM, Roxanne Darling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   The more I read this thread, the more I like David's Mefeedia solution.
> Ning
> for discussion, support, our own blogs for featured posting so to speak
> and
> majority of comments, and mefeedia for the channel aggregation aspects.
> It's
> less work, no need to set up another site, and we use the technology in
> place.
> To those of us who post a lot, having to manage one more place is a
> challenge to participation. And no reason why we can't cross post
> occasionally to ning or to each others' sites when an episode strikes our
> fancy. Ning could be used to stimulate memes (though I am meme-resistant
> in
> many instances!) and/or "let's all try this technique for next weeks
> contribution."
> Respectfully submitted from the 2 cents department,
> Rox

Schlomo Rabinowitz

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