the only problem I have with aggregator sites using tags, is that
people wanting to watch the videos or even dropping by need to know
the tag to be able to see the content, and if the site isn't dedicated
to the project, then there's likely to be multiple tags and possibly
they are not obvious to a visitor. but a dedicated site with
menus/forum threads for each week (for example) is more intuitive for
them as it's more in their face and obvious. I know most of my friends
(who granted probably aren't the target audience) don't know what tags
are or what they're meant to do with them. but they know how to visit
a website & sites like facebook with forums etc and click on links.
so, whilst it's probably ok for us to use, an aggregator site might
not be as intuitive for regular non-web video users.  also if the
videos are available on a dedicated site the text blog
entries/titles/comments are searchable. (eg people know how to use a
search field on youtube or google). this is true for an aggregated
site also, but it would return results outside the project. whereas a
project site search would only search the project info. it's a lot
easier to tell people goto site X & having clear links/menus available
on front page, rather than have to explain, goto site Y find the tags
link, find tag Z and click on it, then search for the post by wading
through multiple pages/dates etc.

plus a dedicated site would be good for archival of the project
afterwards if that's something people are thinking of (I suppose for
as long as the hosting is kept up!)

I don't really mind either way as my traffic/comments for videos is
small anyway but not sure if others might want to consider it. if it's
just a project for the group then the aggregator is ok, if people
would like others to drop by then I think it has to be really simple
and similar to other non-media websites navigation wise.

if video tags & an aggregator site are to be used, & the tagged videos
could populate a site in addition to being searchable via the tag on
mefeedia I think it'd be good. ie have both available.


On Jan 3, 2008 10:46 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There are widgets from mefeedia that can reside at to give
>  > a video taste of the event, and there are also a few wordpress plugins
>  > that can consume an rss feed and create posts from it. (So it would be
>  > easy to create a master blog somewhere that is populated automatically
>  > from a feed (for example a mefeedia generated master feed)
>  >
>  >
>  > probably others.
>  > might also be a great place to post
>  > challenges/suggestions/general updates/etc from/of/to the
>  > participants? And a great place to really put MeFeedia's
>  > "decentralize the
>  > centralization" ideas to the test. ;-)
>  > As for workflows ... I think the easiest and most universally
>  > understood method would probably be to select a tag. ?? The
>  > participants just need to pick one post a week to tag as "Semanal"
>  > (or whatever the tag decided upon is)
>  David...are you still working for Mefeedia these days?
>  if so, maybe you could lead developing this stuff.
>  Ning is definitely not perfect, but here's what Id like to see for a
>  group project.
>  I want to see all videos done for each week.
>  Is this possible at mefeedia without making a new tag each week?
>  just having a list of hundreds of videos at mefeedia isnt that useful.
>  Also, what happens if someone's video isnt picked up in a tag?
>  is it possible to manually add a video URL?
>  and when you say tags, do you mean a technorati tag? rel=tag? blogger
>  tags? are they all the same?
>  Jay
>  --
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