On Fri, 18 Jan 2008 5:05 pm, Charles HOPE wrote:
> Judging from some of the attitudes here, one might be inclined to think 
> that
> vlogging was invented by the government and promoted by grants.

Yeah, just what the founding fathers wanted, government-run media ... 
oh, wait ...

I'll be recording my non-scripted non-funded podcast this weekend after 
driving across state lines without filing papers or showing my passport 
at the Alabamastan state border. Once recorded on my Chinese-made audio 
recorder, I'll be editing it on a computer designed in Texas, built in 
Taiwan and stored on a server in LA (which  is on a hosting service that 
charges me money if I go over a bandwidth cap) and it will be available 
on iTunes and Zune Marketplace to be downloaded onto the audience's 
Chinese made MP3 players.

Something tells me if I needed the government to do that for me it would 
cost $30,000 in somebody elses tax dollars, take two weeks to produce 
and sound like it was recorded on a Victrola ... and me in a format 
unreadable unless your audio system runs ADA or FORTRAN.
Brian Richardson
  - http://whatthecast.com
  - http://siliconchef.com
  - http://dragoncontv.com
  - http://www.3chip.com

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